13th June 2007

House Extension

Week Three

With even more rain forcast, it does not look great.... but so far, so good.

Both of the chimneys are down, and the bricks dressed and stored ready for re-use on the front and rear of the extension. Bricks from the side wall will also be used, so as the rain falls, the buildersare unable to continue digging footings... so they start removing some of the outer layer of bricks from the side of the house.... which looks quite alarming the first time you see it!

A few missing here....
.... a lot missing there!!

The front garden has now been completely dug out, and a good twenty tonnes of hardcore goes down to form the base of what will one day become a driveway.

At least the builders can now walk around the front of the house rather than wade through mud! We both now feel that we will be seeing some real progress soon.

Lots of hardcore....
It'll make a huge driveway....

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